2023-2024 Pleasant Mountain Race Team Program Director Posting

Tom KnoblochAnnouncements

Pleasant Mountain Race Team is looking for a new program director to manage and administer the alpine ski racing program. Some duties include strategic planning, program coordination, recruitment and training of staff, communication, program administration, and team-owned equipment coordination. Please see the referenced PDF for more details Pleasant Mountain Job Description

Buy Redneck Gloves – Support Unfunded Athletes

LaurelAnnouncements, News

As many of you are aware the US ski team provides little funding for athletes below the  A team level. Redneck Racing was founded by Tim and Robby Kelly and Cochran’s Ski Area to help provide support for their team efforts racing.  ProTek has developed a Redneck Racing work glove like a Kinco, (But Nicer) to help support Redneck Racing. …