Eastern Handbook 2020

Tom KnoblochNews

U.S. Ski & Snowboard Eastern Region Policies and Qualifying Procedures for
2019 – 2020 now available.

We’re now on Twitter

Tom KnoblochNews

Twitter can be great for those looking to get up to the minute notifications or race announcements. Every post will be published at the same time on our Twitter handle so please follow us @MaineAlpine

Rule Changes for U12 Races this Year

Tom KnoblochNews, Officials

U12 athletes born in 2008 and 2009 Parents, please see the changes below for the 2019/2020 Season. Ski racing can be a very expensive sport and the goal with these rules is to try and lower costs. Rule 1:At U12 and under competitions. We recommend each division hold two races next season (2019-2020) that do not allow speed suits showing. …