Titcomb Skills Day


TITCOMB U10-14 Skills Day Feb 8th Registration fee: $22.00 Send to: Titcomb Mountain PO Box 138 West Farmington, ME 04992 Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16-ItsD5pU8L2AiI7iV7IDJ78IIx9V7uOhhc2wN98la8/viewform?usp=send_form Registration Contact: Amy Hanrahan:   amy.hanrahan@titcombmountain.com  

Change in how the U16’s are scored for end of season events:


U16 Maine State Qualifying Series: Seeding, Qualifying and Selection The State Qualifier Series for the U16 age group consists of two (2) Slaloms, two (2) Giant Slaloms, and two (2) Super G, The post-season events for this age group are the U16 Eastern Championship and the U16 Finals. Selections for U16 Eastern Championships and U16 Finals will be based on …

U16 National Championships


U16 National Championships March 30 – April 4, 2015 USSA has announced that Sugarloaf will host the 2015 U16 National Championship and Assessment project