“Team Maine” Postseason Race Sweatshirts – *DEADLINE TO ORDER IS TUESDAY 3/3*

Tom KnoblochNews

Congratulations to those that qualified for the POSTSEASON! 

*Please read the following post all the way through for important details*

We have put together an online store for the coveted “Team Maine” postseason sweatshirts. The 2020 sweatshirt features the new MARA logo! These are for Team Maine athletes (GACP, CVA, SPRT, etc.) and are different from event apparel sold at any of the postseason events. 

Please note the VERY quick deadline to order. The webstore will CLOSE on Tuesday 3/3 at Midnight.  This is the only way to ensure that ALL athletes will get sweatshirts in time for their postseason race.  There are NO exceptions, so if you want a sweatshirt, please order by the deadline. 

There are three sweatshirts available. Choose the appropriate option for the race your athlete has qualified for:

Eastern Championships, Eastern Finals, or Piches

If you would like to order a sweatshirt for your athlete, click the following link: https://maraskiing2020.itemorder.com/